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                marketing management

                The current positio:Home >> marketing management

                Huachen electric

                Small and medium special motor and small special motor and control field

                Company Profile

                The company has passed GB/T9001:2016 and IATF 16949. Our well-trained technical workers,
                The company's main products include: permanent magnet synchronous special motor, permanent magnet brushless DC motor, electric servo unit, electric actuator, intelligent electric parts, etc., can provide customers with reliable quality and highly competitive price products.

                0 years The company was founded in 2017
                0 wan The registered capital is 3 million RMB
                0 Plant area 5000㎡
                0 The number of employees is 150+

                Company Vision and Corporate Culture:

                Company vision: To help made in China and become an independent school in the industry (to become an advanced electric technology brand)

                Company spirit: Motor Drive Future,Action Create Future

                Company values: innovation, integrity, speed, passion

                Company principle of action: intellectual innovation, good diligence, brave action, enjoy honesty

                Copyright ? 2022 昆山华辰电动科技有限公司⌒ All Rights Reserved.
